Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

What best for us

Assalamualaikum ...

It's been long time to write again friendssss...
well, it because I had a mountain busy(ies) hhee :D *lebay ahhh

My friend said : "don't falling for people but falling for love and love to someone not to something"

Allah know what best.. so why should we complain ? 
We always want the sunshine but He knows there must be rain ..
We always want laughter but our heart will loose its tenderness
Allah test us often with suffering and sorrow and it help us to meet tomorrow
and for every pain He gives us, it makes me stronger and more patient ..(",)
So whenever we feel, everything is going wrong ! But it is ALLAH way 

"On no soul do we place a burden greater that it can bear" (Quraan : Surah 23:56)

I may not good but I'll try to be best.. 
I'm only human, always make a mistake, but I learn from some mistakes. 
but in deep in my heart, I KNOW..
"there will be an answer, just let it be". Go with the flow right ?

Kadang, memang hidup itu menjauhkan yang dekat dan mendekatkan yang jauh !! 

Sadar bahwa kita gak bisa menghadapi perjalanan hidup seorang diri sehingga kita butuh 
sesorang untuk berjalan disisi kita untuk saling meringankan dan saling mengarahkan dalam perjalan menggapai ridha-Nya.

There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. - Martin Luther

Kadang suka mikir, orang yang lagi fallin love suka ngelakuin aneh-aneh dengan caranya sendiri, karna the ways we react and behave when we love someone. 
Tapi yang gue tau, ketika cowok suka cewe, he needs to pull away before he can get closer. 
terus .. 
"I like her because she smiles at me and means it" kata cowo 
nahlohh,  -_____-" jadi gausah suka senyum2, takut salah arti yah. hhheee

Lust is easy. Love is hard. Like is most important.

i think enough for this, 
semoga bermanfaat bagi yang baca. trus yang nulis gak pake galau lagi, hhhaa puasssss
keep up the good spirit friendssss wherever you want !


with love & sincerely,

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