Selasa, 15 November 2011

Letters to Mama in Heaven

Bismillahirrohmanirrahim . . . 

Insya allah tulisan ini tidak mengandung SARA, sindiran, atau ejekan apapun yah. 
i write this letters to my lovely mother best I ever had. *senyum dulu dong :D 
sekarang pukul 12 malem, ga bisa tidur, mata bengkak. soalnya lagi galau mikirin kamu. kaya lagunya katty perry yah yang "thinking of you" hhee ☺☺☺

hallo, assalamualaikum ibu, 
apakabar? *speechless* 
pengen bener-bener meluk si Ibu tapi ga bisa. 
I’m missing you a lot. It’s been so long you have gone, gone so far away. 
I feel like  im walking all alone with no aim in life. Without any support no one to look back to, no one to go back to. 
I’m not complaining I surely am not, all I want to is that I want to speak my heart out. 
You know mom im now I’m done with my studies in degree (even you couldn't see me when I wearing my TOGA, sedihhhh) but insya allah now I am living happily. 

if you were here with me. I wish I could take care of you. 
I wish I could financially support you, take care of your health especially your heart attack. 
It would have been so good had you been with me. 
I miss you so much mom. 
I remember when you were with me, you would always scold me. 
I miss that a lot your scolding’s, your care, your love. 
You know you always use to tell me “When I’m gone you’d realize the value of a mother”. now I do realize it mom. 
Please come back I need you now.  (⌣́_⌣̀)

sekarang waktunya tarik nafas dalam-dalam yah, buang pelan-pelan. hhhhhhmm
live must go on!!!! bismillahhhhh ......

euumm regarding my text above, i wanna say a million thank to My lovely mom, (‾⌣‾)♉

having a mother like you while growing up was the greatest gift and biggest advantage for me. So, I want to say thank you for shaping me into a person who I like and am proud to be.
Thank you mom, letting me believe that I could be whoever I wanted to be (someday), do whatever I wanted to do and no limitations.

"if there was a text book on how to be the perfect mother, it would have you as the role model" :)

Thank you mom for taking me to the hospital when I was sick. 
Thank you for holding my hand when I felt so bad if my friends distrubing me. 
Thank you for telling me not to give up when I said i couldn't do it any more.
Thank you for carring me a glass of water when I was tummy aches for the last we met on Sunday nite at august the 16th 2009  :( 
thank you for loving me through all of my rejections of help and love. i'm really sorry mom, i didn't mean it. swearrrr 

Thank you for everything you have done for me, 
Thank you for everything you have  said, and 
for all the times when you said nothing and just listened.

Thank you for being my good luck charm, my muse, my hero, my wonderwoman, 
my savior, my cook and everything. 

Thank you thank you thank you. For a million things, for everything. I don't know what I would do without you. There are so many many more things, small things, big things.
I love you very much. Thank you MOM, I love you more than words can ever express. 

your dearest daughter,
latifa ☺☺☺

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